1. What is a Yoni?

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female Womb and Vagina. Yoni is source or creation - it is the Devine passage or sacred temple. most are familiar with the words Vulva (an anatomical name for the external parts of the vagina) and Vagina. However, The vulva, which includes Gans clitoris, Labia minora, Labia majora, Urethra, and vagina opening are not the yoni. The Vulva is the tissue surrounding the vagina or yoni. The vagina itself is a tube that connects the vulva and the cervix.

Hindus believe the yoni is an abstract representation of the creative force that moves through the entire universe. Yoni is celebrated as the sacred, creative power of nature and represents the goddess Shakti - divine feminine creative power, or 'The Great Divine Mother.' And on the earthly plane, Shakti (energy) is actively revealed through female creativity and fertility. The Yoni symbolizes our divine nature, and it is a sacred portal to life. In ancient Chinese Taoist traditions, it has been referred to as “golden lotus”, “gates of paradise” and “treasure”.

2. What is a Yoni Steam?

Ratus (Indonesia), Bajos (Central/South America), Chai-yok (Korea) or Yoni (India) Steaming is a forgotten ancient wisdom that began with Indigenous Africans and has been practiced in South America, Africa and throughout Asia for centuries. Yoni steaming is a natural & gentle holistic form of hydrotherapy that has been historically used to release stored physical & emotional toxins and remove blockages that impede the flow of sensual energy from our sacral chakra. Yoni steaming has been evidenced in the ancient world by medical papyrus from 3800 years ago. Archeologists have uncovered a burial site of a young woman who was buried with her steaming pot in approximately 1800 BCE in ancient Kemet.

One of the reasons why this ancient ritual has been lost in the Western World is due to a lack of respect for ancient rituals and ceremonies, and because of respect and knowledge of holistic approaches to wellness that includes natural therapies.

Generations of women from many indigenous cultures have been passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally, and physically nourish their yoni and enliven their Feminine Essence. A Yoni Steam Ritual (smoking, steaming of the Vulva and Vagina) involves squatting above a heat source (coals, fire, or hot rocks) on which herbs, water or oils are placed to produce smoke or steam. You allow the warmth of the herbal steam to permeate and relax the sexual organs and womb. Yoni Steaming with the right herbs brings balance to the Muladhara (Root) and Swadhistana (Sacral) Chakras. They may also help balance the Anahata (Heart) and Vasundhara (Earth Star) chakras.

3. Is it safe to use Yoni Steam while pregnant?

No! You should never steam during pregnancy or while menstruating. You should also NOT steam if you have any vaginal tears, abnormal discharge, are hemorrhaging, or have an STD or UTI.

4. Can you use the Yoni Oil as a lubricant?

Our non-scented Yoni Oil can be used as a lubricant but is not compatible with latex condoms. Please only apply the Yoni Oil on the vulva and never inside the vagina or anus. Do not use while pregnant!

5. Will the Boric Acid Suppositories cure an STD?

Boric Acid Suppositories are meant to help balance the PH level in the Yoni. Though they are helpful in riding the Yoni of excess mucus and yeast and help to return the PH balance to the Yoni which aids in relieving issues related to BV (Bacterial Vaginosis), if you have or suspect you have an STD, please seek professional medical attention right away. Use of Boric Acid Suppositories should never take the place of medical advice or medical attention regarding STDs.

6. How does Marshmallow Root help with vaginal dryness?

Marshmallow Root has been used for centuries for women’s reproductive health, including vaginal dryness. It has a soothing and moisturizing quality that adds another dimension of support to soothe mucus membranes for proper function of cervical mucus production. It may also help relieve inflammation that can be related to vaginal infection. It also forms a protective layer over the mucous membranes and skin, helping to soothe irritation and promote generation of tissue fluid, thereby increasing skin moisture. Works well for women who are perimenopausal or menopausal.

7. How does Slippery Elm help with vaginal dryness?

The mucilage in Slippery Elm bark has helped relieve vaginal dryness for centuries. It also contains trace amino acids, manganese, and zinc which are important for reproductive health. It is soothing and lubricating, replenishes the vagina with essential nutrients, and has healing properties. These properties help heal internal mucosal tissues when mixed with water.

8. What else can I do to help alleviate vaginal dryness?

It all begins inside. In addition to steaming, Yoni Oils, suppositories, and herbs, to keep your Yoni and its flora healthy and lubricated, eat a healthy well-balanced Plant-Based diet. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Make sure your water intake is sufficient for your body’s needs. Lower your stress, and keep a healthy balance of mind, body, and soul.

If you are suffering vaginal atrophy brought on by perimenopause or menopause, considering adding foods that contain phytoestrogens to your diet.

You will also want to avoid douching or use of soaps, cleansers, and washes. Remember, your Yoni is self-cleansing and will have a natural odor particular to your body. It doesn’t need any of these things to keep clean. If you are using soap down there, make sure to keep it contained to the upper part of the vulva and labia, away from the clitoris and vagina and rinse well. Do not wear tight clothing and keep the Yoni free by wearing natural fabrics. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the Yoni to breathe properly.

9. What foods naturally contain phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are bioactive compounds with estrogenic activity. Foods that contain phytoestrogens are non-gmo soybeans and edamame, tempeh, flaxseed, sesame seeds, berries, dried beans, lentils, mung beans, apples, and carrots. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and arugula contain phytochemicals that block the production of estrogen. Green tea intake has been associated with decreased estrone and estradiol levels. Both are forms of estrogen hormone.

10. How do I know which yoni steam is right for me?

Let your body and your intuition guide you towards the plants your womb needs. intention is an important part of working with plants and a deeply potent way of accessing support beyond the physical. just speak from your heart, plant your intentions, and ask for the healing support of the blend best suited for your needs.

11. What is a yoni massage?

A Yoni massage is a specific form of tantric massage during which the continuous flow of healing touches work to bring your body to a state of deep relaxation. A Yoni Massage is meant to lovingly nurture your femininity and your inner essence. It activates the sacral energy to create total harmony of body and mind, without any erotic nuances. Yoni Massage can activate amrita (sweet nectar) allowing you to naturally flow toward healing surrender.

Please note, that during Yoni massage, the Kundalini energy rises and purifies all chakras that are not in line with pure love. This triggers a very intense process that can cause a physical as well as an energetic orgasm. The greater the surrender to the touch, the more intense the orgasm, which can be felt all over the body. The Kundalini’s unification as prana activates the pineal gland which triggers the secretion of Amrita and which may cause female ejaculation.

12. How Long Should I steam?

You should choose mild steaming (no longer than ten (10) minutes if you experience any of the following sensitivities:

  • This is your first time steaming.

  • You are prone to shorter cycles, 27 days or less.

  • You are prone to infections (bacteria, yeast, herpes).

  • You have indications of excess heat in the body (vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, etc)

  • You are under the age of 13.

  • You are prone to fresh red spotting/ trickle bleeding. Remember, never steam while currently bleeding fresh red blood.

  • You have a herstory of spontaneous bleeding or 2 periods per month.

You may choose normal steaming time if you are not experiencing any of the sensitivities listed above. steam for up to 20 minutes.

Disclaimer: Please note that these claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information contained in this site and these products are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.