Our Purpose


welcome beautiful soul to a sacred journey into the mysteries of your Sacred Womb. Thank you for taking a moment to share this part of your sacred journey with us. 

Devine Femina is a multi-generational endeavor purposed to help reconnect you with your most Sacred Self, your Devine Feminine sensuality, and encourage you to embrace the pleasure long denied you as the ethereal goddess and creatress that dwells deep within your soul.

Through our offerings, we help feminas cultivate and maintain sacred space in their lives for pleasure, womb healing, sacred sensuality, and devine femina energy.

every Femina deserves pleasure, despite the archaic and patriarchal ideologies that have taught otherwise. To that end, our mantra “You Deserve Pleasure” reminds feminas that they too deserve to live a life of abundance, security, peace, plenty, and deep satisfaction.

Our mission is to inspire you to enliven to your Womb, to nourish Her, to listen to Her, and to remember that She is sacred, powerful, creative, and Devine.

Our personal experiences with uncomfortable menstrual cycles, chronic BV, peri menopause, menopause, postpartum complications, vaginal dryness, etc. led us to research and develop a brand of intimate feminine self•care that is 100% plant-based and naturally nontoxic.  

Our research has helped us to understand that the key to a healthy, PH balanced Yoni requires a balanced whole food plant-based diet, clean water, non•toxic self•care, and a mind, body, and soul at peace. 

Many Devine Feminine Beings often feel very disconnected from their own womb space. Thus, this healing work can assist in clearing out generational trauma as well as old and limiting beliefs and create space for deeper levels of self•intimacy physically, emotionally, and energetically.

Our products are crafted with 100% Organic Herbs and Florals believed for thousands of years to bring balance to the Meridian and Chakra System, most importantly the Anahata, Swadisthana, and Muladhara.

Breath and Sound magnify the power of Yoni healing and chakra balancing, helping us to become deeply rooted and grounded in our body and sensuality, connecting us to the mysteries and depth of our own womb, the Womb of Mother Earth, and the Cosmic Womb.

sacred self-care rituals help us to harness & channel our sacral energy so that we can live our most creative, sensual, and abundant lives!


In the ancient Sanskrit language, in which we obtain the word Divine, the root deva (meaning shining one and later god) is the masculine principle. Devi, is the feminine equivalent for shining one and later goddess. We chose Devine as it represents the original idea of sacred feminine excellence.

Femina is a parent word for feminine, meaning she who suckles. It characterizes the essence of devine creativity, intuitiveness, soft power, and femininity.

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Small Batch

Artisanal Creations

Handcrafted Small Batch Artisanal Creations

Our Promise


Nothing goes into our creations that isn’t absolutely necessary to restoring the vitality of your Yoni.

Organic and Fair-Trade Farming

We source our ingredients from companies that believe in organic and fairtrade farming practices.


We work with Mother Earth through the conscientious use of botanical ingredients maintaining sustainability of resources at all levels.


All of our creations are lovingly hand crafted with respect for the herbs, florals, resins, and woods we work with.